Product Catalog

Delivery Costs For Pipe Scaffold
Delivery Charge (1) 16 FRAMES AND UP $150.00
Delivery Charge (2) 10 TO 14 FRAMES $100.00
Delivery Charge (3) 6 TO 8 FRAMES $70.00
Delivery Charge (4) 4 FRAMES AND UNDER $45.00
Delivery rates are based on (10) miles or less from Houst Rentals.
Beyond (10) miles will be a $7.50 per mile charge.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.

Equipment Delivery Cost (excluding scaffolding)
DELIVERY CHARGE (1) $150.00 Equipment exceeding 2 Tons
DELIVERY CHARGE (2) $100.00 Equipment 1-2 Tons
DELIVERY CHARGE (3) $70.00 Any equipment 500 pounds to 1 Ton
DELIVERY CHARGE (4) $45.00 Under 500 pounds
Delivery rates are based on (10) miles or less from Houst Rentals.
Beyond (10) miles will be a $7.50 per mile charge.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.